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Primary Source

Documents in Global History CD-ROM
CD-ROM (Software)
Pearson (Hersteller)
978-0-13-134406-8 (ISBN)
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Documents in Global History provides both a rich collection of textual and visual documents in world history and an indispensible tool for working with sources. Extensively developed with the guidance of historians and teachers of world history, Primary Source provides over 300 text documents in global history and over 450 visual sources.


Many of the visual sources--ranging from early stone tools to medieval world maps to twenty-first century satellite imagery--are available in digital format for the first time and can be closely examined using a zoom function. 


All sources are accompanied by headnotes and focus questions and are searchable by theme, region, time period, or textbook in use. In addition, an interactive tutorial, "Reading Primary Sources," guides students through the process of working with documents through a four-step process:

analyzing authorship
determining audience
identifying argument
historical significance

The CD-ROM is correlated to the following textbooks as well:


The World: A Global History by Felipe Fernández-Armesto
The World’s History by Howard Spodek
The Heritage of World Civilizations by Albert M. Craig, William A. Graham, Donald Kagan, Steven M. Ozment, and Frank M. Turner
World in Motion by Erik Gilbert and Jonathan Reynolds


Below is the Table of Contents in the Timeline view:  


Human Beginnings (1.5 Million BP-5,000 BCE)

Human Origins

Text Sources:

Margaret Meade, from “Warfare is Only an Invention—Not a Biological Necessity”         
Jane Goodall, from “The Challenge Lies in All of Us”
Marshall Sahlins, “The Original Affluent Society,” from Stone Age Economics

Visual Sources:

Hominid tools
Clovis points



Text Sources:

Charles Darwin, “Cultivated Plants: Cereal and Culinary Plants” from The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication
David Rindos, from “Symbiosis, Instability, and the Origins and Spread of Agriculture: A New Model”
Jack Harlan, from Crops and Man
James Cook, from Captain Cook’s Journal During his First Voyage Round the World

Visual Sources:

Indians planting corn


Early State Building (5,000 BCE-500 BCE)

Kings and Priests

Text Sources:

Egyptian Diplomatic Correspondence: excerpts from The Amarna Letters
Sumerian Law Code: The Code of Lipit-Ishtar
The Code of Hammurabi
Excerpts from The Epic of Gilgamesh
Hou-Ji, from Shi Jing
Hittite Law Code: excerpts from The Code of Nesilim
Ancient Egyptian and Hittite Voices
Liu the Duke and Tan-Fu the Duke, from The Shi Jing
Mission to Byblos: The Report of Wenamun
The Book of Job and Jewish Literature
The Babylonian Chronicles

Visual Sources:

The Standard of Ur
The Parthenon
The opening words of Genesis
Egyptian obelisks
Dürer, Adam and Eve
Dolmen of Kerhan
Detail of a statue from Delphi
Cuneiform tablet
Assyrian winged bull
Assyrian warriors
Assyrian King list
Abu Simbel


Farmers and Traders

Text Sources

Ptahhotep, from the Egyptian Book of Instructions
Syrian Government Documents: The Archives of Ebla
Hittite Land Deed
Hesiof, excerpt from Works and Days
Aristophanes, excerpt from The Birds
Early Criminal Justice: The Nippur Murder Trial and the “Silent Wife”
Praise of the Scribe’s Profession: Egyptian Letter
Workings of Ma’at: “The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant”
Ancestor Worship: from Shi Jing


The Great Ideas (1000 BCE-300 BCE)

Hinduism and Buddhism

Text Sources

Excerpt from the Upanishads
Selections from the Rig Veda
Vardhamana Mahariva, selections from Akaranga-sutra, “Jain Doctrines and Practices of Nonviolence”
Siddhartha Gautama: “Identity and Non-identity”
Buddhism: excerpts from the Dhammapada

Visual Sources

The Lotus Sutra
Sutra of 1000 Buddhas
Nine Hindu planets
Hindu Gods
Jain cosmographical map


The Great Thinkers

Text Sources

Laozi, from Tao Te Ching, “The Unvarying Way”
Confucius, selections from the Analects
Plato, The Republic, “The Philosopher-King”
Plato, The Republic, “On Shadows and Realities of Education”
Aristotle, excerpts from Physics and Posterior Analytics
The Nyaya Scholl: “Explanation of the Sutra”
Liu An, excerpt from Huan Nan Tzu
Confucian Political Philosophy: an excerpt from Mencius
Legalism: selections from the writings of Han Fei

Visual Sources

Illustration of a paradox of Zeno and Elea
Greek athletics
Daoist scroll
Archimedes’ mirror


Empires and Barbarians (500 BCE-900 CE)

The Idea of Empire

Text Sources

Agatharchides of Kindos describes Saba
Zhang Quian, Han Shu, Descriptions of the Western Religions
Pliny the Elder, from The  Natural History
Greece and Persia: The Treaty of Antalcides, 387 BCE
Horace, “Dulce et Decorum est Pro Patria Mori”
Kautilya, from Arthashastra, “The Duties of Government Superintendents”
Sima Qian, The Life of Meng Tian, builder of the Great Wall
Emperor Asoka, from The Edicts of Asoka
Excerpts from The Questions of King Milinda

Visual Sources

The Great Wall of China
Statue of Caesar Augustus
Roman Forum
Roman aqueduct
Pyramid of Tikal
Pyramid of Teotihuacán
Han Chinese house
Elephanta Water Cave, India


The Collapse of Empires

Text Sources

Treaty between Tibet and China, 821-822
Excerpts from the Hildebrandslied
Jordanes, Deeds of the Goths, book twenty-six
Faxien, Record of Buddhist Countries, chapter sixteen
Arabic Poetry: “The Poem of Antar”
Chinese description of the Tibetans
Excerpts from the Taika Reform Edicts
Sidonius Apollinaris, Rome’s Decay, and a Glimpse of the New Order
Indian Land Grants, 753 CE

Visual Sources

The interior of Hagia Sophia
The baptism of Clovis
Norse ship
Cihuatan clay figure


Christianity and Islam (100 CE-1200 CE)


Text Sources

The Acts of the Apostles, Paul Pronounces the “Good News” in Greece
St. Augustine of Hippo: Theory of the “Just War”
Pope Leo I: on Bishop Hilary of Aries
Pliny the Younger, “Epistulae” Letters
Paulus Orosius, from Seven Books of History Against the Pagans
Bishop Synesius of Cyrene: Letter to his Brother

Visual Sources

The Tondo of St. Mamai
T-O Map from Isidore of Seville
St. John the Evangelist from a twelfth-century manuscript
Jvari Monastery, Georgia
Eleventh-Century illuminated Gospel manuscript
Armenian Monastery



Text Sources

Rabia al-Adawiyya, “Brothers, My Peace is in my Aloneness”
Harun al-Rashid and the Zenith of the Caliphate
Excerpts from the Quran
Ali: Instructions to Malik al-Ashtar, Governor of Egypt
Al-Tabari: Muhammads Call to Prophesy
Al-Tabari and Ibn Hisham, from “The Founding of the Caliphate”
Al-Farabi, from Al-Farabi on the Perfect State
A selection from Muhammad’s Orations
Science and Mathematics: Al-Ghazzali, “On the Separation of Mathematics and Religion”

Visual Sources

The Dome of the Rock
Quran’s first chapter
Mosque of al-Azhar
Islamic science and alchemy
Islamic astronomy and astrology
Al quibla schematic map


Consolidation and Interaction of States and Ideas (800 CE-1500 CE)

States, Old and New

Text Sources

Winanda Prapanca, Nagara Kertagama
Anna Comnena, from The Alexiad
Eusebius of Caesarea, selections from The Life of Constantine
Buddhism in Japan: The Taika Reform Edicts
Abi Yaquibi, excerpt from Tarikh
Selection from Nihongi, “The Age of the Gods”
Nineteenth-century European Descriptions of the Pacific Island of Lelu
Nestor, The Russian Primary Chronicle
Einhard, Preface to The Life of Charlemagne
Tang Daizong on The Art of Government
An Essay Question from the Chinese Imperial Examination System
Nineteenth-century description of Cahokia
The Magna Carta 1215

Visual Sources

Vardzia monastery complex, Georgia
Founding of Tenochtitlan
The Book of Adam
Tamar, ruler of Georgis
Shinto creation myth
Ozette whale fin
Mixtec creation myth
Great Zimbabwe
French customary laws I
French customary laws II
French customary laws III
French customary laws IV
Extract from the Domesday Book
Early Korean woodblock printing
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona
Byzantines fighting Bulgarians
Book of Kings: Illustrations from the Shahnamah
Song dynasty map of China
Polynesian reed map


Eurasian Contacts and Encounters before 1450

Text Sources

The Mongols: An Excerpt from the NovgorodChronicle, 1215
Excerpt from William of Rubrick’s Account of the Mongols
Behâ-ed-Din: Richard I Massacres Prisoners after Taking Acre, 1191
The Book of Dede Korkut, “The Story of Bugach Khan”
al-Tha’alibi, Recollections of Bukara
Liutprand of Cremona, excerpt from Report of his Mission to Constantinople
Benjamin of Tudela, selection from Book of Travels
Lu You, excerpt from Diary of a Journey to Sichuan
Marco Polo, excerpt from Travels
A fourteenth-century Italian Guide for Merchants
Excerpts from The History of the Life and Travels of Rabban Bar Sawma
Machione de Coppo Stefani, The Florentine Chronicle, “Concerning a Mortality in the City of Florence in which Many People Died”
Ibn Battuta, The Travels of Ibn Battuta, “Ibn Battuta in Mali”
Selection from Narrative of the Journey of Abd-er Razzak
Ma Huan, excerpt from The Overall Survey of the Ocean’s Shores
Al’Umari describes Mansa Musa of Mali
Anonymous descriptions of the cities of Zanj
Ibn WahabL an Arab merchant visits Tang China

Visual Sources

View of Acre
The First Horseman of the Apocalypse
The Black Death
Mongol yurt
Illustrations from The Travels of Sir John of Mandeville


Medieval and Early Modern Thought

Text Sources

Jean Bodein, Six Books of the Commonwealth, “The True Attributes of Sovereignty”
Kino Tsurayaki, excerpt from The Tosa Diary
Speculum Principi, “The Animal Life of Greenland and the Character of the Land in Those Regions.”
Murasaki Shikibu, selections from The Tale of Genji
Peter Abelard, “Sic et Non”
Al Ghazali, excerpt from Confessions
Roger Bacon on Experimental Scient, 1268
Saint Francis of Assisi, selection from his Admonitions
University of Paris Medical Faculty, Writings on the Plague
John Ball Sermon
Ibn Battuta, selections from the Rihla
Hugo Grotius, selections from On the Law of War and Peace
Niccolo Machiavelli, excerpts from The Prince
Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, “Of Human Law”

Visual Sources

Wheel of Fortune
St. Francis Xavier and other Jesuit missionaries
Sketches by Leonardo da Vinci for fortifying cities
Printers and booksellers I
Printers and booksellers II
Printers and booksellers III
Medieval world view
Medieval medicine
Medieval depiction of Adam and Eve
Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man
Johann Tetzel selling indulgences
Image of the universe, from the Nuremberg Chronicle
Illustrations for The Emperor’s Astronomy
Illustration from The Properties of Things
Illustration from The Life of Christ
Illustration from Die Proprietatibus Rerum
Heretic burning at the stake
Frontspiece from Andreas Vesalius, On the Fabric of the Human Body
First printed medical text with illustrations
Drawing from Leonardo da Vinci’s Codice Atlantico
Cupola of Santa Maria Fiore Church, Florence
Woodcut by Albrecht Durer showing perspective
Ptolemaic world map
First national atlas of England
First Dutch national atlas


Revolutions and Enlightenments (1500-1850)

The Scientific Revolution

Text Sources

Nicolaus Copernicus, excerpt from On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres
René Descartes, The Discourse on Method and Metaphysical Meditations, “I Think, Therefore I Am”
William Harvey, Address to the Royal College of Physicians, 1628
Isaac Newton, from Optiks
Francis Bacon, from Novum Organum

Visual Sources

Title page from Vico, Principii di una Scienza Nuova
Title page from Francis Bacon, Novum Organum
The Copernican solar system
Sixteenth-century anatomical drawings, I
Sixteenth-century anatomical drawings, II
Principles of magnetism
Pascal’s Traitez
Newton’s Optiks
Illustration showing the properties of a vacuum
Galileo’s views of the moon
Descartes, illustration from Optics
Anton von Leeuwenhoek
1551 Edition of Maimonides’ Guide for the Perplexed


The Enlightenment: Science, Philosophy, and Religion

Text Sources

Immanuel Kant defines the Enlightenment, 1784
Cesare Beccaria, from An Essay on Crimes and Punishments
Abu Taleb Khan, A Muslim Indian’s Reactions to the West
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Letters (a) on Constantinople; (b) on Smallpox (c) on Vaccination in Turkey
Marquis de Condorcet, passage from Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind
Daniel Defoe, selection from The Complete English Tradesman
James Lind, from A Treatise of the Scurvy, 1753
Mary Wollstonecraft, Introduction to A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
William Hazlitt, selections from The Spirit of the Age
Voltaire, “On Universal Toleration”

Visual Sources

Torah scroll
Title page from Japanese anatomy text c. 1775
Study of the Aztec calendar stone
New England primer
Jewish medical text
Illustrations from Voyages and Travels I
Illustrations from Voyages and Travels II
Illustrations from Voyages and Travels III
Illustration from Poor Richard’s Almanac
Descartes’ view of the universe
Captain Cook in the Sandwich Islands
Blake’s image of the creation
Birds of America by John Audubon I
Aztec calendar wheel
Armenian missal
Armenian creation myth
American magnolia tree, 1731
American birds by John Audubon II
A Beethoven sonata


The Enlightenment: Politics and Economics in a Globalizing World

Text Sources

Edmund Burke, Speech on Policy in India, 1783
The Treaty of Westphalia, 1743-1794
Revolutionary France: The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, 1791
David Ricardo, On Wages, “The Iron Law of Wages”
Baron de Montesquieu, excerpt from The Spirit of the Laws
David Ricardo, excerpt from Principles of Political Economy and Taxation
Thomas Malthus, excerpt from Essay on the Principle of Population
Olympe de Gouges, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen

Visual Sources

View of St. Petersburg from the first Russian newspaper
Russian charter granted to the nobility
Revolutionary ladies, North Carolina
Prussian soldiers
Origins of the French monarchy
Nineteenth-century globe
Hobbes, Leviathan I
Hobbes, Leviathan II
French Revolution
Eighteenth-century powderhorn
Death of Marat
Boston Tea Party Revolution
Battle of Yorktown
1755 Battle between British and Indians
“Tea-Tax Tempest”, by Carl Guttenberg
“Cult of the Supreme Being,” French Revolution
View of Gibralter
View of Capetown
Plan of San Antonio, Texas
Ohio River Valley
Map of the country of Georgia


The Industrial Revolution and Social Change in the 19th and early 20th Centuries

Text Sources

Frederick Winslow Taylor, “A Piece Rate System,” 1896
Eliza Duffey, from No Sex in Education; or an Equal Chance for Both Girls and Boys, 1874
Anthony Trollope, excerpt from North America
Edwin Chadwick, Summary for the Poor Law Commissioners
The Sadler Report: Child Labor in the United Kingdom, 1832
Parliamentary Report on English Female Miners, 1842
Andrew Ure, from The Philosophy of Manufactures
Benjamin Disraeli, excerpt from Sybil, or The Two Nations
Fanny Kemble, excerpt from Records of a Girlhood
Robert Owen, excerpt from Address to the Workers of New Lanark, 1816
Chartist Movement: The People’s Petition of 1838
A Luddite pamphlet

Visual Sources

Woman suffrage parade
Wagon train crossing the Sierra Nevada
View of Charleston, ca. 1870
Unloading coffee in Brazil
Uncle Tom’s Cabin advertisement
Tin Mining, Indonesia
Tashkent textile mill
Street scenes, Germany
Slaves carrying cotton and picking cotton I
Slaves carrying cotton and picking cotton II
Slave shackles
Singer sewing machine advertisement
Port of Valparaiso, Chile
Nineteenth-century whale chart
Moneylender’s house, India
Mill on the Brandywine
Logging in Minnesota, 1893
Kimberley mine, South Africa
Italian immigrant in USA
Immigrants sailing to USA
Illinois Central Railroad poster
Homestead steel mill
Georgian (Caucasus) peasants
Gas-smoothing iron
Frontspiece from Martin Chuzzlewit
Filipino slaves
Excelsior Iron Works
Edison’s Vitascope
Dead horse in New York street
Cotton plantation
Chinese immigrants in USA
Child textile worker
Ceylonese tea picker
Calcutta water dispenser
Bolivian child laborers
Architectural iron works
Map of the western United States


Convergence and Divergence (1500-1800)

Text Sources

Excerpts from the Biography of Emperor Akbar of India
Abu’l-Fazl Allami’s Ain-i-Akbari
Sunni versus Shi’ite: Letter from Selim I to Ismail I
Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, “Süleyman the Lawgiver”
Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, excerpt from “Women in Ottoman Society”
Paul Rycaut, on the State of the Ottoman Empire, 1668
Fathers Simon and Vincent Report on Shah Abbas I, the Safavid Ruler of Persia
Excerpts from the Biography of Shah Abbas I

Visual Sources

View of Isfahan
The Taj Mahal
Safavid battle tunic
Persian minature painting: Layla and Majnun
Ottoman naval attack on the island of Gerbi
Ottoman law book
Islamic calligraphy
Illustration from the Chronicles of Java
Medieval Islamic map of the world
Islamic world map


East Asia

Text Sources

Toyotomi Hideyoshi, on the Conquest of China
Shi Daonon, “Death of Rats”
Matteo Ricci, selection from his Journals
Letters of Zheng Zhilong
Guidelines for Tributary Missions, Qing Dynasty, 1764
Taisuke Mitamura, excerpt from Chinese Eunuchs: The Structure of Intimate Politics
Emperor Qianlong, Mandate to King George III
Japan Encounters the West
Tokugawa Shogunate, The Laws for the Military House, 1615

Visual Sources

View of Guangzhou (Canton)
The Tokaido Road in Japan
The Peking observatory
Shinto temple
Profiles of Asian peoples
Northern Tartary women
European views of the Chinese
European views of Tartars and Chinese
Chinese jade book
Chinese Armillary sphere
View of Nanjing
Map of the Yellow River
Chinese map of Central Asia
Buddhist world map


European Overseas Expansion and Colonization

Text Sources

Excerpt from The Broken Spears
Excerpts from the journal of Christopher Columbus, 1492
Christopher Columbus, journal excerpt and letter
Excerpt from the travel journal of Vasco da Gama
Hans Mayr, account of Francisco D’Almeida’s attach on Kilwa and Monbassa
Duarte Barbosa, accounts of his journeys to Africa and India
Gaspar Correa, excerpt from his journal, 1502
Bernal Diaz del Castillo, from the True History of the Conquest of New Spain
Saint Francis Xavier on conversion of the Indians
Pope Paul III, Sublimus Dei, “On the Enslavement and Evangelization of Indians in the New World”
William Bradford, excerpt from Of Plymouth Plantation
Domingo Navarrete, “Of My Stay in the Kingdom of Macasar”
Jan Van Linschoten on Dutch business in the Indian Ocean
Thomas Gage, writings on chocolate
Thomas Dudley, letter to Lady Bridget, Countess of Lincoln, 1631
Bartoleme de las Casas, from Brief Account of the Devastation of the Indies
Cotton Matheer, from Magnolia Christi Americana

Visual Sources

Views of Cuzco
View of Hormuz
View of Cape Town
Vespucci’s encounter with Indians
The Jagas
Sixteenth-century portolan
Seal of Connecticut
Illustrations from Adam Olearius, Voyages
Illustrations from Jacques Le Moyne and Theodore de Bry of Indians I
Illustrations from Jacques Le Moyne and Theodore de Bry of Indians II
Illustrations from Jacques Le Moyne and Theodore de Bry of Indians III
Illustrations from Jacques Le Moyne and Theodore de Bry of Indians IV
Illustration from de Sahagun’s “History of the Conquest of New Spain”
Russian views of “People of the Empire”
Pirate attack on Panama City
John Smith
Jesuit martyrs in Japan
Jesuit baptizing an Indian
Hispania slaying Leviathan
Francis Drake’s encounter with Indians
First book printed in the New World
American cannibals
View of Kilwa
Sixteenth-century Portuguese trading posts in the Indian Ocean
Sixteenth-century Portuguese map of the Indian Ocean
Samuel de Champlain’s map of eastern North America
Portuguese map of the Caribbean and South Atlantic
Map of Virginia
View of Tenochtitlan
Sixteenth-century world map
Sixteenth-century map of the Atlantic


Slavery, Exploitation, and the Making of an Atlantic World

Text Sources

Bryan Edwards, excerpt from “Observations on the…Maroon Negroes of the Island of Jamaica”
Olaudah Equiano, excerpt from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano
Willem Bosman, from A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts
Phillis Wheatly, “To the Right and Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth…”
Alexander Telfair, Instructions to an Overseer in a Cotton Plantation
Five African American spirituals

Visual Sources

View of the Guinea coast
View of Loango
The slave ship Brookes
The New York fur trade
Sugar plantation, Brazil
Portrait of Olaudah Equiano
King Philip’s War
Illustration from “American Magazine,” 1758
House of Benin
Gold coast dress
Early European depiction of the banana
Don Alvaro of Kongo
Cod fishing
Boston harbor
Advertisement for a slave auction
Map of Kongo, Angola to Benguela
Map of Greenland


The Challenge of Modernity (1750-1920)

The Transformation of Western Science and Thought

Text Sources

Thomas Babington Macaulay, from Minute on Education, 1835
Franz Boas, from The Mind of Primitive Man
John Stuart Mill, excerpts from On Liberty
William James, from Pragmatism
Charles Darwin, from The Origins of the Species
Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels, from The Communist Manifesto
Ellen Key, from The Century of the Child
Henrik Ibsen, from A Doll’s House, Act Three
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, “Futuristic Manifesto”
Matthew Arnold, “Dover Beach”
Thorstein Veblen, excerpt from The Theory of Leisure Class

Visual Sources

Pinels’ skull types
Muybridge photos
Egyptian street scene
Egyptian statues
De Ovi Mamalian, by Karl von Baer


Nationalism, Imperialism, and State-Building in the West

Text Sources

Watkin Tench, from A Complete Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson
The Scramble for Africa
Serbian Society of National Defense, Program for Nationalism
Samuel Smiles, excerpt from Self Help, with Illustrations of Character and Conduct
Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden”
Robert Louis Stevenson, passage from In the South Seas
President Fillmore, Letter to the Emperor of Japan, 1852
Lord William Betinck, on the Suppression of Sati, 1829
Karl von Clauswitz, On War, “Arming the Nation”
Jules Ferry, Le Tonkin et la Mere-Patrie
James Fenimore Cooper, Author’s Introduction to The Prairie
Irish National Identity
Fustel de Coulanges, letter to the German Historian Theodor Mommsen
Crevecoeur, from Letters from an American Farmer, “What is an America”
African American Emancipation Songs
Alexis de Tocqueville, excerpt from Democracy in America
James Burney, on contact with the Maori of New Zealand
Abraham Lincoln, the Emancipation Proclamation

Visual Sources

The “New Europes”: New York City
The “New Europes”: Johannesburg
The “New Europes”: Detroit
The “New Europes”: Cape Town
Tbilisi in the late nineteenth-century
San Francisco earthquake
Reconstruction in the American South
Quito textile factory, circa 1910
Pygmies, 1904 World’s Fair
Pears’ soap advertisement
North-South reconciliation through the Spanish-American war
Mandan Sioux offering
Machine exhibit, 1904 Worlds Fair
Lincoln remembrance
Indian school, Pennsylvania
Georgian musicians
Field hospital, Philippines
Early churches in Hawaii I
Early churches in Hawaii II
Dinzulu, king of the Zulus
Christian missionaries in Africa, late nineteenth-century
Chinese pavilion, 1904 Worlds Fair
Cherokee Constitution
Black soldier, United States Civil War
Battle of Kinburn, 1955
Araucanian chief
Apache Indian prisoners, 1886
Ainu woman
Afrikaner guerrillas
Africans being baptized, South Africa, nineteenth-century
“Parade on Tsarina’s Meadow”
The “New Europes”: Sydney
Map of East Indies


Competing Visions of the Modern World

Text Sources

W. E. B. Du Bois, Souls of Black Folk, “Of Mr. Booker T. Washington and Others”
The Treaty of Nanking, 1842
Russo-Japanese War: Imperial Rescript, 1904
Qianlong, letter to George III
Long Yu, The Abdication Decree, 1912
Lin Zexu, letter to Queen Victoria, 1839
Lafcadio Hearn on Japanese Geisha, from Glimpse of Unfamiliar Japan
José Rizal, excerpt from The Reign of Greed
Francisco García Calderón, excerpt from Latin America: Its Rise and Progress
Feng Guifen on Western Strength
Emperor Meiji, “The Constitution of the Empire of Japan”
Edward D. Morel, The Black Man’s Burden
Booker T. Washington, “Industrial Education of the Negro”

Visual Sources

The Portsmouth Treaty, 1905
Howkan Indian village, Alaska
Tattooed Polynesian
Frontspiece to al-Muqtataf
Tattooed native of Nukahiwa
Portrait of Jose Rizal
Polynesian mask
Filipino insurgents, ca. 1900
Photograph of an Uzbek woman from the Turkestanskii Alborn
Engravings showing the  military victories of the Emperor Qianlong I
Pancho Villa
Ottoman compass, early nineteenth-century
Matsuhito Emperor of Japan
Chinese destroying opium
Chinese acupuncturist
Japanese views of Commodore Perry’s mission, 1853, I
Japanese views of Commodore Perry’s mission, 1853, II
Japanese views of Commodore Perry’s mission, 1853, III
Japanese views of Commodore Perry’s mission, 1853, IV
Japanese views of Commodore Perry’s mission, 1853, V
Japanese views of Commodore Perry’s mission, 1853, VI
Americans in Yokohama, 1855
African fertility goddess
Caucasian warriors wearing chain mail
Islamic bookbinding
A Muslim view of the Russian Empire
Inuit family, 1918
Illustration from an Uzbek children’s book, 1926
Illustration from The Complete Survey of Medical Knowledge
African sculpture
Map of Africa from the Cedid Atlas


The Great Crises of the Twentieth Century (1900-1950)

World War I

Text Sources

Woodrow Wilson, “Speech on the Fourteen Points”
The Balfour Declaration, 1917
The Covenant of the League of Nations
Soldiers’ Accounts of Battle
Sir Henry McMahon, Letter to Ali Ibn Husain, 1915
Roupen of Sassoun, Eyewitness to Armenia’s Genocide
François Carlotti, from “World War I: A Frenchman’s Recollections”
Erich Maria Remarque, excerpt from All Quiet on the Western Front
British Soldiers on the Battle of the Somme

Visual Sources

Woodrow Wilson on his way to Versailles
Women shipyard workers
Women munitions workers
Victory parade, Paris
Trench warfare, I
Trench warfare, II
Spartacist demonstration, Germany
French tanks
Bolshevik Revolution poster
Black American Soldiers
Austro-Hungarian soldiers wearing gas masks
Arab delegates to the Versailles conference
Anti-Spartacist demonstration, Germany
American World War I poster
American machine gunners


The West between the Wars

Text Sources

Nadezhda Mandelstam, excerpt from Hope Against Hope: A Memoir
Nadezhda K. Krupskaya on Communism
John Scott, excerpt from Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia’s City of Steel
Chicago Commission on Race Relations, The Negro in Chicago: A Study of Race Relations and a Race Riot
Bolshevik Seizure of Power, 1917
Benito Mussolini, from “The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism”
Adolf Hitler, excerpt from Mein Kampf

Visual Sources

Yugoslavs at well
Women bathers, 1920s
Traffic in Rio de Janiero, 1940
Stalinist poster
Spanish Civil War poster
Soviet poster, 1940
Segregated movie theater, Mississippi, 1939
Poverty, southern United States
Nazi rally
Nazi party congress, Nuremberg
Movie theater, New York, 1920s
Migrant mother, Great Depression
Mexican migrants in USA, 1936
Looted food shop, Germany
London stock exchange, 1920s
Ku-Klux-Klan rally
Inflation in Germany
Hoover dam
Hitler and Chamberlain
Herbert Hoover speaks to a television audience, 1927
German persecution of the Jews
Execution by guillotine, France 1929
Chinatown, San Francisco, 1920s
Cars on Daytona beach, 1920s
Buenos Aires coffee bar, 1930s
British Empire poster, “Growing Markets for our Goods”
Bread line, 1930s
Automobile advertisement, 1920s
Anti-Japanese sentiment, California, 1920s
African women protest white rule in South Africa
1936 Berlin Olympics
“There’s no way like  the American way” billboard
Russian factory


Asiabetween the Wars

Text Sources

Mao Zedong, “From the Countryside to the City,” 1949
Mao Zedong, “A Single Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire”
Li Shaoqi, “How to Be a Good Communist,” 1939
Kita Ikki Outline for the Reconstruction of Japan
Japanese Total War Research Institute, Plan for the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, 1942
Dean Acheson, United States Secretary of State, on the failture of the Chinese Nationalist Government, 1949
Mao Zedong, “Jian Jieshi is China’s Number One War Criminal,” 1949

Visual Sources

Tientsin China, 1924
Shanghai in the 1920s
Rape of Nanjing
Plague hospital, Bombay
Mahatma Gandhi
Japanese samurai society, 1920s
Japanese in Tsingtao, China 1920s
Governor’s residence of Indonesia
Canton destruction


World War II

Text Sources

Transcript of the Rape of Nanjing Sentencing, 1947
The Charter of the United Nations, 1945
Roosevelt and Churchill: The Atlantic Charter, 1941
Lindsey Parrot, “Tojo Makes Please of Self Defense”
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms, 1941
American Investigators, from The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Adolf Hitler, the Oversalzberg Speech, 1939
A. Philip Randolph, A Call to March on Washington, 1941

Visual Sources

Warsaw ghetto
US troops before D-Day
US air bombing of Bologna
Tokyo shanty town, September 1945
Tokyo and Nuremberg war crime trials, I
Tokyo and Nuremberg war crime trials, II
The war in the Pacific
The internment of Japanese Americans, I
The internment of Japanese Americans, II
The internment of Japanese Americans, III
The Holocaust, I
The Holocaust, II
The destruction of Europe
Summits of the Allied leaders, I
Summits of the Allied leaders, II
Rosie the Riveter
Nazis executing Russian civilians
Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri
Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
Hiroshima after the dropping of the atomic bomb
France surrenders to the Germans
Civilian refugees in Europe
Atomic bomb mushroom cloud
American workers at B-17 bomber plant
American propaganda poster
American GIs in Holland
“United We Win” poster
US and Soviet forces meet, 1945



An Uneasy Balance (1945-1970)

The Cold War

Text Sources

Truong Nhu Tang, “Myth of a Liberation”
The United Nations, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” 1948
Sir Winston Churchill, from the Iron Curtain Speech, 1946
Nikita Krushchev, Speech to the twenty-second Congress of the Communist Party, 1962
Ladies Home Journal, “Young Mother,” 1956
Juan Peron, excerpt from The Voice of Peron
Joseph Stalin, excerpts from the “Soviet Victory” Speech, 1946
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Address Before the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1961
James F. Schnabel, from United StatesArmy in the Korean War
James B. Stockdale, excerpt from a Vietnam Experience: Ten Years of Reflection
Henry A. Myers, “East Berliners Rise Up Against Soviet Oppression”
Harry S. Truman, The Truman Doctrine, 1947
George F. Kennan, “Long Telegram,” 1946
George C. Marshall, The Marshall Plan, 1947
General Douglas MacArthur, “Old Soldiers Never Die,” 1951

Visual Sources

H-Bomb Shelter
Vietnamese refugees
The “kitchen debate” between Nixon and Krushchev
Stalin monument, Prague
Soviet collective agriculture
Soviet agriculture
Smog in Los Angeles, 1954
Segregation USA, 1950s, I
Segregation USA, 1950s, II
Outdoor market, Soviet Central Asia
Nixon in China
Nikita Krushchev visiting an Albanian factory
Newspaper headline showing the “Red Scare”, 1950s USA
Meeting between the Chinese, Soviet Indian foreign ministers, 1962
May Day celebrations in Tiananmen Square, I
May Day celebrations in Tiananmen Square, II
Levittown, New York
Latino rights
Korean child receiving food aid
Kennedy in Berlin, 1963
Japanese election, 1946
Hungarian uprising, 1956
Female machinists, Beijing
Chinese landowner trial, 1950s
Chinese Communist guerrillas
Chinese artillery class
Cardinal Francis Spellman conducting mass in New York
Bulgarian labor brigade
Asian games, Tokyo, 1958
Anti-Vietnam protesters
Albanian-Chinese ties
1955 designer kitchen


Identity and Power in a Decolonizing World

Text Sources

Sayyid Qutb, from Milestones, 1964
Palestinian Declaration of Independence, 1988
Mohandas Gandhi, from Hind Swaraj
Kwame Nkrumah, from I Speak of Freedom: A Statement of African Ideology
Jomo Kenyatta, from Facing Mt. Kenya: The Tribal Life of the Gikuyu
Israel’s Proclamation of Independence, 1948
Frantz Fanon, from The Wretched of the Earth

Visual Sources

US and British votes in the UN on the Suez Canal crisis, 1956
The Shah of Iran accepting homage from a peasant
Tamils protesting adoption of Singhalese as national language
Mossadegh supporters
Midwifery class, Burma
La Paz, Bolivia, 1950s
Kwame Nkrumah and Julius Nyere
Koreans in Japan mark homeland
Iranian students protest
Indonesian political rallies
Indonesian guerrillas
Indian woman receiving military training
Ghanaian demonstrators
General election, Ceylon (Sri Lanka)
Female Irgun recruits, Israel
Date market, Algeria
Construction of the Aswan High dam, Egypt
Cocoa harvesting in Ghana
Central American market
Cairo traffic
French nurse inoculating Indochinese baby


An Uncertain Future (1960-Present)

Freedom, Conflict, and New Directions

Text Sources

Vaclav Havel, “The Need for Transcendence in the Postmodern World”
The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Article Two
Saddam Hussein’s Invasion of Kuwait
Pope John Paul, from Centesimus Annus
Osama bin Laden, World Islamic Front Statement, 1998
Nelson Mandela, Closing Address at the 13th International AIDS Conference, July 2000
National Organization for Women, Statement of Purpose, 1966
Martin  Luther King, Jr., Letter from Birmingham City Jail
Keith B. Richburg, excerpt from Out of Africa: A Black Man Confronts Africa
Helmut Kohl, Speech to the American Council on Germany, 1990
François Mitterrand, Speech to the United Nations, 1990
Excerpt from the 9/11 Commission Report
Deng Xiaoping on introducing capitalist principles to China
Alain Destexhe, excerpt from Rwanda and Genocide in the Twentieth Century
Aimé Césaire, from Return to My Native Land
Addresses by George W. Bush, 2001

Visual Sources

UN sprays DDT over Seoul
Polio vaccination
Ozone poster
Operation Desert Storm
Moroccan health care worker
Moroccan child receiving immunization
Mayan religious ceremony
March on Washington, 1963
Man on the moon
International space station
Hurricane Katrina
Earth at night
Disabled Italians demand more government aid
Civil rights march, USA

Erscheint lt. Verlag 19.2.2007
Sprache englisch
Gewicht 54 g
Themenwelt Geisteswissenschaften Geschichte Allgemeine Geschichte
ISBN-10 0-13-134406-4 / 0131344064
ISBN-13 978-0-13-134406-8 / 9780131344068
Zustand Neuware
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