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The Scientific Foundation of Chinese Qigong

A Lecture by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming at the University of Massachusetts
VHS Video
YMAA Publication Center (Hersteller)
978-1-886969-59-9 (ISBN)
33,10 inkl. MwSt
  • Titel ist leider vergriffen;
    keine Neuauflage
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Drawing on his thirty-five years of training in Qigong and his Western scientific background (Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering), Dr. Yang presents a clear explanation of Qigong from both an Eastern and Western perspective. Covering principles, theory and various applications. If you've never had a chance to attend a seminar with Dr. Vang, here's a home version you won't want to miss. Recorded at the University of Massachusetts Lowell Campus.
Verlagsort Rochdale
Sprache englisch
Maße 152 x 229 mm
Gewicht 454 g
Themenwelt Medizin / Pharmazie Naturheilkunde
ISBN-10 1-886969-59-0 / 1886969590
ISBN-13 978-1-886969-59-9 / 9781886969599
Zustand Neuware
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