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Looseleaf for American Democracy Now

704 Seiten
2019 | 6th ed.
McGraw-Hill Education (Verlag)
978-1-260-16458-9 (ISBN)
149,95 inkl. MwSt
  • Titel ist leider vergriffen;
    keine Neuauflage
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American Democracy Now engages students in American Politics through relevant content and supportive digital tools that enrich and reinforce learning. Accessible to students at all levels, the narrative is brought to life through compelling features, such as an abundance of rich visuals and graphics and the Then, Now, Next framework, helping students gain a comprehensive understanding of American government yesterday, through the proven tools of today, to become the political thinkers of tomorrow.

**Available exclusively through McGraw-Hill Create(R), The Comparative Governance Collection, edited by Paulette Kurzer, is an online collection that provides students with the conceptual tools necessary to develop an understanding of some of the world's most diverse political structures and practices. Go to http: //create.mheducation.com/compgov/ to browse and select your content.
Verlagsort OH
Sprache englisch
Maße 198 x 254 mm
Gewicht 1007 g
Themenwelt Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Europäische / Internationale Politik
Sozialwissenschaften Politik / Verwaltung Politische Theorie
Sozialwissenschaften Soziologie Gender Studies
ISBN-10 1-260-16458-6 / 1260164586
ISBN-13 978-1-260-16458-9 / 9781260164589
Zustand Neuware
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